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Thank You For choosing to purchase a gift voucher with LUCY LOUS BOUTIQUE. We are certain who you are buying for will be super excited to treat themselves to some gorgeousness.

We have 2 options for Gift Vouchers, Please read carefully to make sure you choose the one best suited to your reciever.

OPTION 1 : A physical Voucher this can be spend it store or online which  gives your reciever a choice. This will be sent to you as the buyer as a physical lucy lou gift card. Please allow delivery time. Then you can send on to the lucky person. 



OPTION 2: E-GIFT CARD as soon as you purchase this will be sent directly to your email where you can print it off or you can send it directly to the reciever and select a specific date of the email. PLEASE NOTE: AN E GIFT CARD CAN ONLY BE SPENT ONLINE NOT INSTORE!

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